The Session of Providence Presbyterian Church consists of eight elders in active service and Pastor Mary Montei Clark, who serves as moderator and chair of the Building and Grounds Team. The Session is responsible for the mission and government of the church. Our Session seeks to be a leadership team that discerns, shares ideas, and builds up each other and the church. Every voice is heard, and the Session represents the thoughts, feelings, and ideas of the entire congregation.
Meetings are held once a month, and the Session also meets for a weekend retreat each fall to fellowship and discuss visions and goals for the coming year.
Laura coordinates the after-worship fellowship time; plans wedding showers, baby showers, milestone birthday gatherings, and other fellowship events; and hosts receptions for families and friends following funerals.
She can be reached at
Curtis is responsible for the Providence campus—the church building and the grounds, including the Worship in the Woods and Prayer Path areas, .
He can be reached at
Megan plans and oversees Providence's missions and outreach to the local community.
She can be reached at
Nedra oversees Sunday worship, including the music, liturgists, communion servers, and pulpit supply.
She can be reached at
As Clerk of Session, Steve serves as a sounding board for the pastor, creates the agenda for Session meetings, and maintains the minutes of the Session meetings.
He can be reached at
Donna compiles and distributes the weekly prayer list and leads a team of shepherds, who are responsible for keeping in touch with members and visitors and ensuring that the church is there when they are going through difficult times.
She can be reached at
Barbara maintains staff job descriptions, conducts staff evaluations, and oversees church communications.
She can be reached at
Ken reports to the Session on church finances and plans the annual stewardship campaign, including encouraging the congregation to prayerfully share their time, talents, and treasures.
He can be reached at
Janie plans, oversees, and recruits volunteers to lead Providence's discipleship programs, including Adult Sunday School, Book Study, Children's Church, and Closely Crafted.
She can be reached at
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